Saturday, 8 February 2014

Place: Occupation

Aldeburgh Music - Place: Occupation

We were delighted to be chosen by Aldeburgh Music to provide the coach transport part of this event.  We used our newest acquisition which had arrived a few days earlier, nicknamed 'Bagpuss' because of the registration number (soon to be changed). This was its first outing in our ownership and new vinyls are being fitted shortly.  See below for pictures.

Follow this link to Aldeburgh Music
The weather was bright and sunny with a cold easterly wind blowing across the airfield so there was no need to use the airconditioning on Bagpuss!
Details of the event are as follows:

Group visits to Bentwaters Cold War Museum and tours of the airfield can be arranged through us ( or the Museum.

"PLACE: Walk

Sunday 2 February 2014, 12.30pm

Suffolk has been occupied for much of its history, most recently by the many military installations that still litter the county. This guided walk around the former RAF Bentwaters near Woodbridge is led by volunteers from the Cold War Museum based there. It explores parts of what remains of the original airbase with a detour to the Grade 1 listed Wantisden Church on the perimeter fence, a remote and largely unvisited gem.

Meet at Bentwaters Cold War Museum at 12.30pm (parking on site). The walk will be led in two groups of 25. A coach leaves from outside the Hoffmann building at Snape at 12.15pm, returning after the walk (approx 4pm). Please confirm if you will use the coach when booking. Coach transport will also be provided to the furthest parts of the Bentwaters site.

Please note: Bentwaters is a large and exposed site: please wear warm clothing and suitable footwear. If in the event of extreme weather the walk is  cancelled, ticket buyers will be refunded. No dogs please."